1. When was the Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes (LFWMH) founded?
In 2010, as a 501(c)3 charity; IRS tax ID is 35-2381056.
2. Why / How was LFWMH founded?
Master Sergeant Todd Nelson, the son of a Hampton Hall resident, was severely injured in Afghanistan during his 3rd tour of duty. Todd lost an ear, an eye, his nose and was severely burned as well. He endured over forty (40) surgeries. Todd was extremely appreciative of the medical care he received from the military but there were also additional services and assistance that could have helped Todd with his recovery. A group of Hampton Hall residents realized there were many others like Todd and decided that they wanted to help other Wounded Heroes in need. As a result, the Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes was formed.
3. Are you affiliated, in any way, with the WOUNDED WARRIOR PROJECT?
We are NOT, in any way, affiliated with the Wounded Warrior Project. We are only affiliated with Birdies for the Brave, a PGA Tour affiliate, and their approved military charities.
4. What is LFWMH'S goal?
The Post 9/11 Wars may have ended, but the physical and emotional injuries incurred by those who served have not. As they face a lifetime of challenges, our goal is clear: to ensure that the service and sacrifices by so many, in so many ways, is recognized, remembered, and supported by raising funds in support of programs that target the specific needs for Wounded Military Heroes in the Lowcountry.
5. What characteristics of your Foundation would make me want to donate to the LFWMH vs. another charity?
We know there are many worthy causes to donate to and understand that charitable giving is a personal choice. We believe in the work that we do and hope that you will find the following reasons to consider lending your support to our local Wounded Heroes:
i. We are an ALL-VOLUNTEER organization. Our only expenses are those needed to support our fundraising efforts (i.e., event costs, food, refreshments,
advertising, printing). This allows us to maximize the proceeds we donate.
ii. 100% of the proceeds we give to Birdies for the Brave go directly to the charities we designate
through Birdies for the Brave, which takes no fees for salaries or administrative expenses.
iii. We have a proven track record of success.
When you visit our website, there is a breakdown, to date, of all the donations and
recipients of the monies raised in the ‘Charities We Support’ section.
6. How do you raise money?
Our primary fundraising event is our Wounded Heroes Golf Classic tournament held in May of each year at the Hampton Hall and Oldfield Golf Clubs. We have also held past tournaments at the Belfair Golf Club, sponsored a 5K Freedom Run held on Hilton Head Island, SC., and volunteered at the annual Polo4Heroes event, where LFMWH was an honored recipient. Supporting organizations and businesses also hold events with LFWMH as the charitable recipient. Income streams from all events have included Participant Entry Fees, Sponsorships, Live and Online Auctions, Raffles, Grant Awards and Direct Donations.
7. How successful have your efforts been in raising money for Wounded Heroes?
Extremely successful!! As one might expect, the money raised each year has grown as our events have grown. In fact, we are Birdies for the Brave’s largest non-corporate donor. Click here to view our total donated NET proceeds to each of the charities we have supported throughout the years.
8. How are the funds you raise allocated and distributed?
At the conclusion of the LFWMH’s primary fundraising event, the Foundation Board meets and determines which charities under the Birdies for the Brave umbrella will receive which amounts.
9. If I would like to get involved by volunteering, how might I help?
Please visit our website at www.lfwmh.org or call us at 843-949-8596 to learn more. We have several standing committees, of which one or more might be of interest to you.
These include:
a. Operations
b. Military Liaison
c. Donations
d. Media
e. Food and Beverage
f. Raffles
If you are interested in volunteering, let us know which area(s) are of most interest and we will put you in contact with the appropriate committee chair.
10. If I would like to donate to your charity, what is the best way to do so?
There are several ways to do this:
a. The easiest way to donate is to click here. This will give you the option to donate via credit card or PayPal.
b. Write us a check and send it to LFWMH, 20 Towne Dr., #199, Bluffton, SC 29910 (checks should be made payable to LFWMH).
c. Call us at 843-949-8596. We’ll be happy to arrange credit card payment over the phone.
11. How can I find out more about your organization?
If you have perused the majority of this site and still have questions, the best way to get them answered is by calling us at 843-949-8596 and we will be happy to answer your questions.
12. Can I follow you on Facebook?
Yes! For the timeliest updates, look up Lowcountry Foundation for Wounded Military Heroes and ‘Like’ our page.
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